Lade Veranstaltungen

Symposium der Gingko Foundation – Interreligiöser Austausch

1. September // 09.00 – 17.30

9:30-17:30 Uhr – SYMPOSIUM: „The Religious Other(s)“, Sprache: Englisch

Die vortragenden Wissenschaftler*innen haben ein Stipendium der Gingko Foundation erhalten und berichten von ihren religionswissenschaftlichen Forschungen zu folgenden sieben Themen: 

1. The Return of the Others: The Politics of Teshuvah and Repentance in Late Antique and Contemporary Contexts

2. The Status of Ahl al-Kitāb “the religious other” in the Qur’ān and the early Islamic literature

3. Fraternity and pluralism: theological questions within the Catholic Church regarding the relationship with the religious other

4. Deliverance Ministry and Exorcism: Its Place in Islam and Christianity as we Engage with the Religious Other

5. Befriending the Religious Other in Islam: the consideration of emotions as the quintessential demarcation of deep platonic friendships

6. Mission & Conversion in Christianity and Islam: Implications for Christian-Muslim Relations in Africa

7. Notions of Religious Pluralism in the Writings of Christian and Muslim

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