52070 AACHEN
T +49-241-47980-40

opening hours
Tue – Sun  10:00  – 17:00

closed on mondays


A new air-conditioning system for our museum

dear friends of the suermondt ludwig museum!

Our museum receives a new air conditioning system and is therefore currently closed. The house will then only be open on special occasions - for example, on Tuesdays for the KUNSTPAUSE, from 1:00 p.m. to 1:15 p.m.

And what are we doing in the meantime? If you would like to be kept up to date follow us on

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and what are we doing in the meantime?

We research

We teach

We make inventory

We exhibit

The Suermondt Ludwig Museum is intensively dedicated to art historical and technological research. Currently, among other things, the museum's own collection of late medieval paintings from the 15th to 16th centuries from the area of ​​the Early Netherlands is created by Dr. Linda Jansen (Maastricht) and Dipl.-Rest. Ulrike Villwock annd will be published in a catalogue raisonnée in interdisciplinary collaboration, followed by an exhibition.

Through the cooperation with colleagues and universities from home and abroad, for example, some collections and individual objects could be scientifically prepared and published by students in the form of theses. There is also an intensive exchange with RWTH Aachen.

More about the individual projects can be found here.

The collection of the Suermondt Ludwig Museum is growing steadily. Often these donations come from private property or bequests from artists and collectors. "We are looking for works with which we can strengthen our focus," says Assistant Director Michael Rief, describing the selection of new additions, since the museum does not have a designated purchase budget. Thanks to the generous support from the Aachen Museum Association and the Heinz Heinrich Memorial Foundation, works can be purchased on a smaller scale from time to time.

Whether important Dutch painters such as Balthasar van der Ast; Photographs by the French photographer Marc Riboud, or a glance at the history of their origin with Barthold Suermondt as the founder of the museum - the exhibition range of the house is as diverse as its collections. Aachen artists such as most recently Heinz Heinrichs, Walter Dohmen and Wolfgang Binding are honoured here as well. During the interim period, the SLM team is particularly busy preparing the great Dürer exhibition, which is planned for 2020/21.

More details about the Dürer exhibition 2020 can be found here.


Heinz Heinrichs