52070 AACHEN
T +49-241-47980-40

Di - So  10 uhr - 17 uhr (Einlass bis 16.30 uhr)
Montags geschlossen

Geschlossen: Karnevalssonntag, Rosenmontag, Ostermontag, Pfingstmontag, Heiligabend, 1. weihnachtsfeiertag, Silvester


research trainee

Other ways of looking at medieval art

approaches for people of different worldviews and beliefs

Other ways of looking at medieval art


approaches for people of different worldviews and beliefs

At the Suermondt-Ludwig Museum, you will encounter works of art with Christian content or originally Christian functions, especially in the medieval department: for example, the Mother of God with Child, figures of saints and biblical scenes. These representations reflect the great importance of the Christian faith for the people of that time.

Today we live in a multicultural society, characterized on the one hand by an increasing turning away from church and Christianity, and on the other hand by a multitude of different religions. The demographic reality means both a challenge and an opportunity for art education.

Within a two-year research traineeship we are developing offers for people of different world views and faiths. Through dialogue and the inclusion of "other views", we want to break down barriers in relation to Christian art and the institution of the museum and enable cultural participation and identification.

Funded by the Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes NRW


Maria Geuchen

research trainee
